On August 29, I had the pleasure to meet with a group of writers in Vientiane to discuss female authors’ contributions to Lao literature. It was fascinating to hear the backgrounds behind some of my favourite Lao language poems and short stories, and some of the most influential novels in Lao.

I very much thank Khonsavan, Na Paktaen, Sao Moei, Saowapha, Sunantha, Dokked, Duangchampa, Thipakson and Khankham for joining this workshop and sharing their thoughts and work with me!

Foto capture (all pen names, unless specified): Back row – Khonsavan (daughter of deceased writer Vanmai), Na Paktaen, Sao Moei, Saowapha, Sunantha; front row – Dokked, Holly High (real name), Duangchampa, Thipakson, Khankham (real name)